
Welcome to Side Hustle Yogi!

Namaste, Chandra here...

Marketing must be in my blood! I’ve been in and out of selling something all my life, it seems! I started selling online when AOL was the only game in town and have returned to affiliate marketing to turn what has been my side hustle into a full-time income. The independence and self-responsibility of working my own business, mixed with the ease at which it can be done on the internet makes affiliate marketing a fun way to earn an income. Finding the right online tools has made all the difference for me – and it can for you, too.

The Beginning: Thin Mints

Girl Scout Cookies. That’s where it all started in 4th Grade. I loved selling them and I did very well, thank you! I was my troop’s top seller of 400+ boxes back in the day when we actually sold door-to-door. At 16, I began working at the local Schwinn shop selling bicycles and got trained as a Certified Schwinn Mechanic.

At 18, I ‘sold’ my first bicycle race. Not to be deterred by age or sex, I secured an unheard-of $5000 sponsorship and organized a downtown criterium bicycle race. That got me interested in sports marketing and I completed an A.S. in Sales & Marketing and a B.A. in Advertising/Public Relations. While training and racing for 12 years, I worked part-time gigs in bicycle shops & distributors; freelance and agency PR writing and marketing; managing cycling teams and even co-founding a bicycle parts manufacturing company in Australia.

Sales almost took a back seat with marriage and children until my husband, Devon, and I bought a small health/self-help bookshop. With interests now in natural health, personal and spiritual growth, my spiritual calling brought me back to U.S.A., with family in tow. 

After moving to the USA, the advent of the internet made all things possible, it seemed! I learned HTML, WordPress, Photoshop, even Dreamweaver!  (Wow, almost forgot about that!) I created numerous websites, tried out various strategies and earned the most money with two MLMs with solid health products. Unfortunately, both of those companies got hit by FTC violations. With small children now as well, I took a break from selling online.

During the interim, I worked online managing the customer service and web-based communications for a small investment firm in Panama; was a caregiver and personal assistant for an eclectic genius scientist; and discovered the wonders and greater awareness of shaktipat deeksha, bringing me into the world of the yogic sciences following some time in India.

Now that we’re empty-nesters, and I was miserable with the normal jobs I’ve had the past 3 years, I’m back on the internet marketing again: Wiser and working daily. I return with certainty that the affiliate marketing business model of earning money online has been proven to work – if YOU work it! 


Discover & Share

What good is becoming good at something if you don’t share it with others who have the same desire as you? I have always loved researching and have become good at not just seeking, but finding. Networking and introducing people to other people and information has always come naturally to me, so it’s natural I use these skills online to help others develop their own affiliate marketing side hustle or second income.

And the Yogi? Well, that’s MY side hustle! My spiritual seeking led to discovering a spiritual yoga, steeped in he yogic sciences, that I’m now teaching. 

My yoga flavor of choice is Svaroopa™, a unique yoga that supports your spiritual growth and physical healing by unraveling the tensions around your spine, from the tailbone on up to the top. 

Since I recognize I'll never do it at the level to provide a full-time income, I aim to flow some Grace and Shanti (Sanskrit for peace') through my content and marketing.

The Mission of Side Hustle Yogi

Side Hustle Yogi delivers the best, proven and most efficient methods I’ve found to earn money with affiliate marketing online in an authentic, Grace-filled, straightforward, yet lighthearted manner to you and those seeking to develop a side hustle, job-replacement or retirement income to live the laptop lifestyle.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to ask me via the contact form and I will be more than happy to help you out.


Chandra McKenna

(aka, Cyndi, I recently embraced my Sanskrit name)

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Side Hustle Yogi's Free Guide to Choosing Your Perfect Online Business Coming Soon!